thumbnail MandarinProducts available in Mandarin:


Accelerated Action Planning Package — Includes 4 .PDF templates to download to enlarge for use in your meeting and a 23 minute video in English that guides you and your team through a step by step process for planning and setting into action your event or project plan.  You will also receive a calendar template to document your team’s project plan.

[View Video]

[Download Mandarin Templates]

 Project Scoping Template in Mandarin (FREE)

See the video under the project scope page of this website on how to complete the “what, where, why and who” of your project.  We recommend enlarging the template to poster size and completing it with your team after watching the video together.

[Download Mandarin Project Scoping Template]

Value-added PDF templates available in Mandarin:

Team Check-In Template (PDF) – Use this template during plan implementation to keep your team on track with the commitments agreed to during the Accelerated Action Planning Process. 

[Download Team Check-In]

Solutions Template (PDF) — Use this template to handle sticky issues and arrive at a practical solution. 

[Download Solutions Template]